Page 913 - Mafia, Part 12Author: DragonTrainer
DM: Here’s what happened just last night. Early in the morning, before the sun has come up, Fluttershy went out into the woods to find her lost chickens.
Fluttershy: Oh dear…
Rainbow Dash: Ugh… seriously?
DM: While she was out in the woods, however, she came across…
Rainbow Dash: Huh? But…. I thought… wha…?!
DM: Twilight Sparkle, time to reveal your card.
Twilight Sparkle: I was a civilian. Well… good luck.
Rainbow Dash: Wait… was Twilight the only one taken out by Mafia?
Trixie (Nat): You do know that Mafia can forgo their second kill to ensure one kill, right?
Rarity: Or perhaps the Nurse managed to save the other target?
Rainbow Dash: Oh, you’ve gotta be kiddin’ me.
Rarity: That doesn’t matter anymore because I know who the Mafia is! I’m the cop and I just investigated Rarity and she’s Mafia!
Rarity: Wha…? I mean… that’s just ridiculous!
Doctor Whooves (Luke): I dunno… You’ve been on the chopping block before and for good reason.
Rainbow Dash: Yeah… I trust Pinkie Pie. She did clear me before, so…
Pinkie Pie: Does this mean what I think it means?
Rainbow Dash: If you’re nominating Rarity for the chopping block, I’ll second that nomination.
DM: Well… that’s one for the chopping block. Anypony else?
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