Page 905 - Mafia, Part 4Author: DragonTrainerNewbiespud’s Note: If there’s one thing the comments have demonstrated so far, it’s that everyone seems to have their own preferred way of playing this game…The next update is a Night Phase. Skip it for now and wait for the page after it if you want to “play along.”
DM: Who’s nominating Rainbow Dash?
Rainbow Dash: You’re making a big mistake.
Applejack: Ah’m nominatin’ her fer the choppin’ block.
DM: Who’d like to second that nomination?
Big Macintosh (Cory): I’ll second that nomination.
Trixie (Nat): You’re only doing that because you’re Mafia.
DM: I’ll take that as a nomination.
Rarity: I’ll second that. I think he’s Mafia, too.
DM: Rainbow Dash? You have two minutes to convince everypony else that you’re not Mafia.
Rainbow Dash: Look, I don’t know what to tell you except… I’m not Mafia. Rika said she heard something over there and I’m not over there. There’s way more proof that Big Mac’s Mafia.
DM: Big Mac? It’s your turn to defend yourself. Two minutes. Go.
Big Macintosh (Cory): I ain’t Mafia.
DM: … That’s it?
Big Macintosh (Cory): Eeyup.
DM: Time to vote, everypony. Hooves up if you think Rainbow Dash is Mafia. Hmm… Interesting… One… Two… Three… Four… Okay, hooves down. Now, who thinks it’s Big Mac?
Rarity: If it’s not him, it’s someone else on that side of the room.
DM: … So, that’s five votes for Rainbow Dash and seven for Cor- Big Mac. Looks like Big Mac’s the first to get lynched. Alright, Big Mac. What were you? Ooh… Turns out Big Mac was a civilian. Sorry, Town. Better luck next time.
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