Beehive soccer? Really? Yeah! It’s the funnest thing- Oh Celestia THEY STING.
What have I done to deserve this?! Maybe it’s because you’re kicking their home around. Oh yeah…
Oh Celestia not the bees- NOT THE BEES! AAAAUUUGGGGHHH they’re in my eyes! Aaauuggghhh!
Those aren’t bees. They’re not? I’m pretty sure those are Everfree Hornets.
AAAAUUUGGGGHHHH!!!! Kill it with the magic of gasoline! Burn them all, Dashie
Even at 2 months of age I manage to look 5 years longer. 2-months minus 5 years? What does that even look like?!
An unholy mess. It’s okay, Princess Luna once bought orange lipstick for herself.
Which is pretty funny considering we don’t have lips. It seemed like a good idea going into my teenaged years.I claim ownership of all art assets.
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