Page 425 - Smarmony Tries, Part 5Author: DigoGuest Author’s Note: “The boss fight to me is more than just a battle against a high level creature. It’s a complex role-playing event of tactics, teamwork, and story that caps the entire campaign into this final struggle of good versus evil. For my players, it’s a contest of who can deal the most damage in one blow while throwing Gimli and Legolas lines.”
Daring Do: Trixie, I got your back!
Trixie: Thanks!
Cheerilee: Can you shield the princess?
Trixie: I’m on it! Wall of Scrolls!
Nurse Redheart: I could use some healing!
Cheerilee: Cure Critical Wounds!
Nurse Redheard: squee
Zecora: A buff for the party, to help us fight hardy!
Derpy: Capital idea Zecora!
Daring Do: Time to finish it!
(teamwork and butt-kicking intensify)
Diamond Tiara: Woah… You all totally rocked that fight! The princess is saved!!
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