Here I and the others (Twilight, Spike, Pinkie, Fluttershy, Starlight, Sunset and Trixie) just left the theatre (that I actually watched the movie at) and this is the conversation that we had afterwards (* indicates thoughts):
Smash: Man that was awesome!
Twilight: He actually likes these types of Movies? Okey then, Spike could you please write about this to Celestia?
Spike: Sure thing, Twilight.
Smash: We’re going to see Spider-Man Homecoming when it comes out, right?
Twilight: Well of course, darling. He’s insane
Pinkie: Hahahahaha! I just can’t stop laughing at Drax’ jokes. He is like Smash Gamer 2.0! Hahahaha!
Smash: Well, thanks Pinkie.
Pinkie: Your welcome, Smashie!
Fluttershy: As if Groot couldn’t be any more adorable. Now I love him even more.
Starlight: YAAAAWWWN! Let’s go home everypony, I’m tired.
Sunset: Twilight is starting to doubt him… now I have my chance to take him for myself!
Trixie: If you need any help, then I’ll be right behind you.
Sunset: Thank you Trixie, I appreciate it.
In case you wonder where Rainbow, AJ, Rarity, Harmonica and Natural Cure are then: