Story - Rainbow Fights Evil Spitfire! Who’s Stronger Now?
Summary: Rainbow Dash finds herself in a dangerous showdown when Spitfire is under Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon’s control. Worse, she even realizes that Spitfire is much more stronger and powerful, having hers beyond Rainbow’s level.
Months have passed since Twilight defeated her fallen alicorn friends. However, while Twilight has been training during this time in Ponyville, Daybreaker, Nightmare Moon, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna, and Princess Cadance have continued their plans turning any of Twilight’s friends evil. In Shanghai, they have recently targeted Spitfire and turn her evil, making her a villain. The Wonderbolts try to stop them, but…
“Spitfire! What are you doing?! Stop! This is NOT the Spitfire we know!” Soarin’ demanded Spitfire to stop her cruel behavior, but she just simply laughed as she knew that he and the other fellow Wonderbolts can’t stop her now.
“Do you all really think you stand a chance against me?” Spitfire asks with a smug smirk on her face, angering her former friends. “With darkness inside me, you fools can’t even defeat me!”
“She won’t snap out of it. Even if we tell her multiple times to stop, she’ll keep talking until you say it to her face! She won’t listen and realize she’s doing favors for Daybreaker and the rest of her alicorn squad.” Fleetfoot tells Soarin’ that nothing they saw will work with Spitfire, who’s currently under mind control and on the dark side, and she will ignore anything they have to tell her that’s wrong.
Spitfire doesn’t have her clothes on in comparison with the others, yet she’s still acting all tough and ready for battle with the others already as is.
Thunderlane says to himself as he is describing just how strong Spitfire really is with the darkness taking over her: “Her powers are getting stronger whenever Daybreaker places a dark spell on her, and she will get stronger every second.”
He then tells the other Wonderbolts with a warning, saying with a determined look, “Everypony, we must stay on our guard. Spitfire is becoming more powerful now that the darkness is taking control over her. We all must work together as a team and do whatever best we can to put her down at least.”
“Understood!” Fleetfoot, Misty Fly, and Soarin’ reply as an agreement with Thunderlane’s advice.
“Oh? All four of you wanna challenge me, unaware of how pathetic your strength is in comparison to mine? You’ll regret it, but don’t worry, I’ll make this battle quick for you.” Dark Spitfire challenged Soarin’ and the rest to a battle in the night of Shanghai.
The four remaining Wonderbolts have themselves in a confrontation with their fallen Captain and they all prepare to take her on.
Misty Fly and Soarin’ make the first move by attacking Spitfire with a kick and several hits. Unfortunately, Spitfire saw this and encountered with a stronger punch and kick of her, knocking both of them back!”
“Man, such intense power I’m feeling from Spitfire…!” Misty Fly coughed while recovering from the attack received by Spitfire. “Even when fighting her together, it still won’t work!”
“But we must keep fighting. The mission is to get Spitfire back on the good side and make her a heroine again like where she belongs. We won’t let her destroy Shanghai and the people are counting on us to win!” Thunderlane steps in and kick Spitfire from behind, pushing her back a little, though not too far away.
When Spitfire turns around at him, Thunderlane attempts to kick her again, but she fires her eye lasers at him, causing him to fall and lose consciousness.
“I’m gonna make you pay for that!” Spitfire yelled before she came closer towards Thunderlane, knocked out for some time. Right before she could finish him off, however, Fleetfoot grabs her with her front hooves.
Fleetfoot tells Spitfire while still having her in hooves, “Don’t forget about me! I’m still here to fight! You won’t get away with doing more favors for Daybreaker! This ends now!”
“Ha, like you’re the one to talk, Fleetfoot.” Spitfire responded back in a rude tone before she smacked Fleetfoot away with one single punch into the face.
“This is not good, and we will be finished soon unless we can figure out something… fast!” Soarin’ told his fellow remaining Wonderbolts that they must think of some other ways to stop Dark Spitfire from defeating them this early. “Rainbow Dash is not even with us, and we gotta buy some time before she arrives! Don’t let your guard down, everypony! This is a fight we can’t back down from!”
“She’s making us even more angry right now. This is not gonna happen anymore!” Fleetfoot charged at Spitfire with full power.
However, Spitfire dodged the attacks coming from Fleetfoot and kicked her down with one powerful hoof. Soarin’, Thunderlane and Misty Fly then go after Spitfire at the same time, preparing to take her down, but she sent them straight down to the ground by throwing them one at a time.
“Just give it up.” Spitfire suggests that Soarin’ and the others surrender and admit defeat before she is forced to do it herself otherwise. “You forgot that I’m the stronger one around here!”
“So what? You’re not getting what you want! You will not be destroying Shanghai and wiping out these people!” Misty Fly stood back up and walked up to the brainwashed leader, refusing to let Spitfire keep doing favors for Daybreaker and her alicorn team.
Thunderlane and Fleetfoot look at each other, then look at Spitfire, who’s still fighting with everything she has inside her. Thunderlane, Soarin’, Fleetfoot and Misty Fly would keep on fighting back, no matter what it takes, and they will do all they can in order to free Spitfire from Daybreaker’s control and bring her back on the good side.
Spitfire laughs at the Wonderbolts in a sinister manner, thinking they aren’t putting enough into the fight. “You four really need to improve your fighting skills. I think they weren’t great as is.”
Angered, Thunderlane argues back, shouting, “Hey! Don’t make fun of us! We have worked hard and trained hard all these years becoming Wonderbolts and you dare tell us that we’re not fighting good enough?! We’ll show you who’s doing poorly around here!”
“Come on, bring it, Thunderloser!” Spitfire told Thunderlane, insulting him even more.
“Okay, that’s it! I’m gonna have to shut you up quickly.” Thunderlane unleashed his special technique called the “Dance of Thunder”.
When Thunderlane activates his special move, his cutie mark begins to glow and thunderclouds began appearing above Spitfire preparing to strike her in multiple ways. Several thunderclouds came closer towards Spitfire with lightning in multiple spots, though Spitfire quickly flies out the way before she could be struck.
“Nice move, but I have one of my own.” Spitfire appreciated Thunderlane for showing her such an awesome technique, yet she had her own special technique that she would show him that is much greater.
The fire within Spitfire was emerging as she feels the aura of fire surrounding her as she begins to perform her special technique, “Ultimate Fire Kick”.
“I’m gonna take you down with this! Ultimate Fire Kick!” Spitfire charged forward towards Thunderlane at super full speed and kick Thunderlane straight in the stomach with one powerful kick with her fiery hooves.
The others watch in horror as they see Thunderlane collapsing and falling to the ground, lying down unconscious. It was at this moment Spitfire couldn’t be stopped.
Misty Fly glares at Spitfire as the latter sees her inside her red eyes, showing hatred towards Misty Fly and the rest of the Wonderbolts. Misty Fly and the rest know they can’t give up just yet because if they give up, Spitfire will eventually have her way and it would end in disaster for the citizens living in Shanghai.
“This is bad, this is bad. She’s getting stronger every second. There’s no way we’ll win!” She said.
“Now I’m gonna make sure you all become nothing except dirt. You don’t mean anything to me anymore! Begone!” Spitfire said as she prepares to unleash her special technique.
“Not on my watch!” A pony spoke from behind Spitfire down below.
Spitfire stops herself and when turns around, she finds out that it is Rainbow Dash just like the Wonderbolts knew would come to save them before being defeated. Spitfire gives Rainbow an applause from coming late to the party.
“That’s enough, Spitfire!” Rainbow Dash ordered Spitfire to stop hurting the other Wonderbolts and take on her instead. “Leave everybody else and fight me! I’m gonna get you to snap out of it!”
“Rainbow, you must be careful! She’s under Daybreaker’s mind control, meaning they have turned her into a villain again. She’s getting more stronger every time she fights us.” Fleetfoot warns Rainbow Dash about how powerful Spitfire really was.
Shocked upon what she has just been given, Rainbow knew that Spitfire’s eyes are red and Spitfire really wants to end Rainbow and the rest of the Wonderbolts in order to have Daybreaker and the other evil alicorns really happy. “Okay, time to stay on my guard! I have to watch out for her attacks because there’s no telling when she’ll attack.” Rainbow Dash tells herself.
“Glad you came late, Rainbow!” Spitfire said with an evil smirk on her face, angering Rainbow.
Next, Rainbow Dash angrily charges at Spitfire in an attempt to hit her at full speed. Unfortunately, Spitfire flew faster due to the darkness inside her and she kicked Rainbow Dash in the stomach, and then slammed her down to the ground.
Rainbow manages to get back up and fight the evil taking over Spitfire. Dark Spitfire eventually laughed and stated that beating Rainbow Dash would be very easy. She was right. Rainbow Dash uses her “Rainbow Tornado” technique on Spitfire, but Spitfire saw her quickly with one powerful kick, stopping Rainbow from spinning and Rainbow began to lose her consciousness.
Soarin’ and the rest of the Wonderbolts intervene to save Rainbow from defeat. They all start attacking Spitfire at once, though every punch and kick proved useless.
Spitfire had been getting more dull as Rainbow Dash and the rest keep attacking her with no effort being made at all.
“This is just a waste of my time. You fools can’t even keep up with my power and speed, can you? Let me tell you something, I’m the strongest pegasus now!” Spitfire laughs in a sinister manner as she is about to end all the Wonderbolts’ lives and have them meet their end by her hooves.
“We’ll see about that!” Rainbow Dash yelled before charging at Spitfire with full power, followed by a series of multiple kicks and punches. Unfortunately, Spitfire caught her yet again and punched her directly in the stomach.
Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon have watched from behind, sitting on top of the Custom House.
“Rainbow and the remaining Wonderbolts will have a hard time dealing with her now that’s she under my control once more.” Daybreaker tells Nightmare Moon and the others while chuckling in a wicked manner. “This time, they won’t be getting their leader back.”
“It’s so fun turning Twilight’s friends into villains.” Nightmare Moon responds feeling calm and relaxed that she and Daybreaker don’t need to be involved in the fight. “When we put them under a dark spell, the good side of them disappears, they turn evil and therefore, end up as villains with red eyes.
“Before we leave, sister, I have to give Spitfire a potion that will make her grow. She will need this to keep with her.” Daybreaker says as she levitates a growth potion and then gives it to Spitfire down below.
Spitfire, given the growth potion from Daybreaker and Nightmare Moon, gives the two evil alicorns a thanks as they leave the city and take a portal back to the base.
Rainbow Dash and the others try to stop Spitfire from drinking the potion, but Spitfire kicked her and the others out of the way and fly away as fast as she could. Still, Rainbow and the rest are still chasing behind her. Spitfire used smoking gas to distract them from keeping up with her.
Fleetfoot, Soarin’, Thunderlane, Misty Fly and Rainbow cough as they have lost sight of Spitfire.
“Where’d she go? I can’t even see a clear shot of her now.” Misty Fly wonders where Spitfire is now.
Minutes later, Spitfire, hiding behind the Custom House building while still holding the growth potion in her hooves, says as she breathes heavily, “Man, those ponies are so annoying and are such a pain. But luckily enough, I got something for them when I drink this growth potion in a couple seconds.”