head of the Ævrefreodeh post office wasn’t what it would be in a larger town. The correspondence that the office had to deal with was meager, and money was short, so for the first decade or so, Derpy ran the office as a family operation, leaving Ponet to man the office itself, while she did the rounds in Ævrefreodeh and elsewhere, this basic force being augmented by the occasional addition of any weather pegasus that was willing to help for a few bits. Once Ponet’s sister, Amethyst Star, graduated, she was enrolled into the post office as well, and it wasn’t until years after Twilight came into town the office had grown enough that she began to hire
dedicated mailponies.
So, I basically rushed this in the last few days so I could finish the year at 180 images. The entire purpose of this was just to show off the regular mailpony uniform.
Reposting to fix the lighting.