“the collector is a mysterious mare, and is said to be the owner of the lucky 38 in the new pegasus strip, while she doesn’t fight, she doesn’t need to as their ‘kingpin’ in a way, she’s gambled, collected, and won every single bet that you can think of, including sealing off part of a vault and making a hotel out of it’s remains, when you have a nearly endless supply of caps, you can buy anything, and her collection of rather rare items underneath her casino is rather expensive, from pure gold bars to a fully-working car that (supposedly) has grav-plate technology to hover itself off the ground, you name it, she probably has it”
“it’s hard to say how she came across such high amounts of wealth, though rumors of the strip say she was the daughter of a massive corporate business owner who developed a cryo-pod to keep her safe until many years later, when the pod would eventually open and show the mare, fully in-tact and alive… it’s a boring theory, but it makes the most sense as to why she looks so pristine and young”
‘you blunder in and wonder if a bunch of chips can run the strip? a hundred twits with guns and clips have tried their luck and lost the bet’