Original Description:
The Phases of Luna
I was still sick today, but damn if I spent another day out of action. I needed to draw something and ended up finish this.A big reason I always say Luna would be the better leader is that she has suffered more. And what I mean by that is those who have suffered greatly and manage to pull through it all become some of the Kindess, wisest, gentlest people I’ve ever had the pleasure to meet. So when it comes to Luna and how she was consumed by her hatred and sorrow only to see the damage it later created. Gives me hope that as time passes and she grows from it she would be one of the most radiant leaders of Equestria, and with many Luna episodes it is slowly showing (to me) that she is learning from herself to help others.Princess Luna is a Character part of My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic which is copyrighted to Hasbro.Artwork is copyrighted to Myself, NiegelvonWolf.Forgot to mention that this picture started out because of some expression practice while listening to Tarby’s Everfree Album.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fg4LqTXoYwAMostly song #6 Nightmare Moon.