Demon and angel tags represents how Moonstone Arcana is mixed with those entities based on her father’s side (her father is a demon Pegasus from Tartarus) of the family. Her grandmother is an angel Pegasus from Paradise. Her grandfather is a demon Peagsus.
Necromancer tag is due to Moonstone being known as the goddess of necromancy, but is also the goddess of the moon and death. Her necromancy magic is purple based on the artwork being shown.
Concerned tag is due to how Moonstone hears the pain and emotional instabilities that’s transpiring from the other side of the door. Blitzo is suffering from a lot of pain due to events that transpired in this universe that Nightmare Moon’s daughter is in. Moxxie and Millie are present based on the shadows from within the door’s window, trying to calm their boss down.
Story will be submitted on FimFiction, eventually.