Original Description:
From left to right
Zephyr Belle-
“Being a wonderbolt is my dream! I will become as incredible as my friend Cyclone and my father was! I just know it! Hopefully this time I don't crash into a building and break my left wing and hit my skull like last time! Hahahah…ha.”
Zephyr is the first son of Rarity and Thunderlane. Zephyr is usually a cheering guy, and always can be seen smiling and laughing. He likes acting like a big brother to the ponies who happen to be younger than him. He likes to encourage people to do their best even to an annoying degree. He hates it when some ponies feel bad about themselves, since he's an empath it's quite easy for him to comprehend their perspective. He’s red colorblind (I.e. protanopia).
Zephyr was quite large for a foal and needed to grow into his wide wings and heavy body which made him clumsy and awkward around on his own. His clumsiness didn't injure those around him, except for himself. It's almost a miracle that Zephyr has managed to live long into his adulthood without permanent injury to himself with all the falls, crashes, scrapes, broken bones, and amounts of blood loss he has been sent to the hospital for. Seeing Zephyr in the ER is not even a surprise for the doctors and nurses of Ponyville Hospital (to the embarrassment and worry of Rarity and mostly Thunderlane who supervises him the most) and became friendly with the nurses and doctors who usually tend to his wounds and his cheerful personality no matter the severity of the situation. He has uncharacteristic determination and high pain tolerance.
Rarity and Thunderlane had very close calls to getting multiple heart attacks due to their terrible luck and lack of impulse.
Zephyr dreams to become a wonder bolt like his idol, Cyclone, one of the best race fliers before she gave up in her early teens. And the daughter Rainbow Dash and Tempest. His dream right below the first is to see her race with a smile on her face.
Lapis Lagoon-
The second eldest of the family. She is a mare of a few words mostly since her brother can speak for both of them in terms of conversation and personality. She is a very tall mare almost the same height as Big mac without counting the horn and is the current head of the Belle Boutique.
Lapis was a very pretty filly and Rarity spoiled her daughter with beautiful hairdos and pretty bows for school. She was the most popular and prettiest filly in her entire school years, and that made Rarity happy that her little girl got a lot of attention. Lapis on the other hand doesn't mind. At all. She never voiced her opinions on whether she likes something or not, and that worried Rarity after finding out. Her little filly did not care about anything in particular. When Lapis was told to do something even as mundane as homework or chores she would single-mindedly focus on that task with the intensity of Twilight reading about some newfound magic. After finishing her task she would go back to her thoughtless lifestyle of staring at things and or sleeping her life away.
Since then it was pretty much guaranteed that Lapis would take over the clothes shop after Rarity. Rarity is very delighted at it, she never expected her daughter to follow the family business but she’s not complaining. She takes over the shop, with her fashion line and sharp seamstress skills becoming popular at times.
The only things she likes are gothic clothes, cats, and to her immense pleasure, teasing Pacific Rose into an explosive outrage.
Marble Quartz
“Why are you talking to me? Leave me alone, I have nothing to say to an uncultured swine.”
A haughty boy, who personally dislikes ponies who have no taste in the finer things like trendy clothes or not wanting to look good. He acts quite disdainfully to everyone and he’s a pain to be around if you’re not used to his form of kindness. Marble has an unfortunate and rare case of both low-self esteem and a superiority complex. He’s very smart and mature when not aggravated and he tends to show his likeness by acting spoiled.
His passion is creating jewelry pieces for his sister's clothes when he can. And on occasion helping his brother train to be wonderbolts by creating tracks for him or helping him dress. “God forbid he goes outside wearing a bright magenta and high-lighter yellow like last time. Ugh.”
Happy Holidays!
College life managed to put me in a grinder big enough to render me useless and burned out and so I came out four-ish months later with this! (´﹏`;)
Thank you to all my watchers and you, random wanderer, who happened to come across my art! Have a nice week.