Original Description:
Blue: Where do we put the body though?
Yellow: huh….good question.
Pink: Leave it there. Just make some other ponies problem, after all we’re a just a kid.
Karma: Pre-teen. I’ll just….knock him out put him in the palace gardens. Whoever finds him can deal with him. Can’t let Celestia know it was me right away.
Blue: :( I kinda liked him. I’ll mis him
Pink: Ugh…
Presenting Karma’s roomates!
Blue- The innocent of the speech bubbles, and the fun one, in their own twisted sense. Karma listens to them the most.
Yellow-The Scaredy cat of the three, can't stand Pink, thinks they have a god complex. They tend to go with whatever Karma says.
Pink- Though considerably the most mature and logical out the two, they’re also a psychopath, so, yeah, not so great.
Living in Karma’s head is exhausting when you live with three roommates, two of which have the maturity of literal children and the other tends to sound intelligent yet wants to make Karma go, well “Karma” on ponies on daily basis. Karma is matured enough (she’s actually close to her teenage years, but she prefers to stay in her childlike form) to ignore some of their words and not attract too much attention to herself. She only wants the attention of certain sun Princess, even if it means being on her bad side.
Twilight and Discord are oblivious.