Age: In the current time Green Pom is in the age of Granny Smith however he shows up in my story mostly as an adult due to later family split.
Status: Alive/Unknown for Ryolit
Szarlotka - mother (difficult relationship)
Clay-James III - father (neutral relationship)
Sweet Apple - older sister (bad relationship)
Apple Cider - younger sister (really good relationship)
Selene - beloved wife (really good relationship)
Lunar Night - son (lost connection)
Berry Heart - daughter (good relationship)
Ryolit - granddaughter (never met)
Personality traits:
Special Talent: Berry picking and processing (known for his delicious blueberry jam).
Backstory: Green Pom was born into Apple Family and his destination was to work with apples (like everypony else). However the universe had different plans for this stallion who went through a lot growing up - always feeling distant and being a black sheep of the family. The only person that was able to bright his day was his little sister Apple Cider who never understood why would anyone dislike Green Pom for something he is good at. Because of that there has been always issues between him and his older sister Sweet Apple who would look up to their mother and encourage stallion to work with apples.
As soon as Green Pom was old enough he took his belongings and moved out to abandoned tiny house in the woods making it his own little spot in the world away from his unaccepting family. Location would only be known by Apple Cider who kept it a secret and would visit her brother from time to time.
One day, when Green Pom was berry picking in the forest, he stumbled upon a sleeping pony in the bushes (with blueberry marks around their face) that woke up and got startled when stallion found them. It was Selene who was running for a few days away from the cult that her family belonged to. She was tired and scared but felt like she could trust Green Pom who offered to take the stranger under his roof. Later on he learned more and more about Selene who just went through the same experience of feeling left out and not accepted during her upbringing.
As the time went on, Green Pom started to realize that Selene is the pony that he wants to spend his life with and upon teaching mare how to live her new life free from controlling family that he himself has as well, he decided to propose and Selene said yes. They organized little ceremony where only Apple Cider was invited. However it didn’t went quite as planned upon Sweet Apple arrival whom followed her younger sister and ruined the moment of the two that were getting married which also resulted in everyone knowing who (a bat pony) is going to join the Apple Family (which for them was unforgiveable). Against family’s intolerance Green Pom and Selene became a husband and wife starting their own life and later on became loving parents of Lunar Night and Berry Heart.
Green Pom was originally designed by @vi45 (original design).
Dislikes the taste of apples (only Selene know about it).