Found this piece featuring the EQG version of Cherry Smoothie in my completed works folder and realised that I hadn’t uploaded it.
Yes, this happens way more than I’d like to admit…
Is this version of Cherry just as sexually provocative and problematic to other people’s relationships as the pony one?
Also, yes.
For a little information, the EQG Cherry is a tall lady at 6 feet and 4 inches tall, and is more than willing to throw hands with anyone if the situation calls for it. But, her acid tongue is her primary weapon, one that she takes great satisfaction in using to verbally destroy someone that she takes a dislike to.
(In my opinion, her breasts are far too big to truly represent her true physique, but as they are part of this base as drawn, and I’m still learning this whole base editing thing, they will have to do for now. I will remedy this in the future at some point with another picture, most likely in another outfit, probably something more casual.)