Twilight Sparkle is interacting with somepony. But with who? Maybe her best friends? Whoever it is, she’s always welcoming to spend time with them.
This vector was originally going to be used for last year’s Twilight Sparkle Day submission. I was so close to completing it, until I changed the idea at the last minute, and had her reading through her books. Once I finished that, I decided to post this as a vector. What kept me from doing it was that I didn’t know what to call this. It wasn’t until today I came up with the title. She does look like she’s interacting with somepony, so that makes sense to name this vector.
Besides, it’s always good to see Twilight Sparkle, whether Unicorn or Alicorn, princess or not, pony or human. She’ll always be Best Pony Ever in my book. And speaking of which, I bet she’s reading some of her books right now.
Traced from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Season 6 Episode 24, “Top Bolt.”
My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic created by Lauren Faust and owned by Hasbro latest (1280×720) (