While Prophecy and her attorney discuss her future in my Equestria dreamscape Link elsewhere other ponies were remembering past events and building their own futures.
Our little cottage finally had a functioning septic tank and the poop smell had subsided enough that Rainbow Dash felt she could resume her duties of housesitting while my household is off in Ft. Trotterdale. Of course now she had Fluttershy to help and keep her company now and then.
So it was that early one afternoon the two mares found themselves out at our cottage. RD and Fluttershy had come to an informal agreement.They would help each other with the chores since they found that they just liked being together now more than they use to.
Of course there was much more chores that needed to be done at Fluttershy’s cottage with all her animals there, but still she didn’t mind coming over to our place or RD’s cloud house and helping out. Fluttershy was particularly helpful in our little garden. She was no Applejack but she had her own garden and she knew her way around one. It was for this reason that the two mares found themselves heading to our barn/studio in search of a hoe. They quickly found a hoe, but something in particular caught chiffon yellow mare’s attention.
Up on a slightly raised platform in the center of the barn was a brass pole that went up to the ceiling. Fluttershy slowly approached them and stared at it wide-eyed for a moment. Finally she looked over at Rainbow Dash.
“So,um, uh….Is this where you practiced for the Best Young Fliers competition?” Link, Link
The prismatic maned mare flew over and landed by her side. “Yep It’s one of the places! I’ve put tons of hours in twirling around on that thing! Still do! It’s a surprisingly great way to stay limber and in shape!”
Fluttershy continuing staring at the pole as she started biting her lower lip. After a few seconds she looked at RD and spoke. “Um, I really, really liked your performance at uh, Cloudsdale, but often you were far away or other ponies were, well, um blocking my view.”
Fluttershy’s progressively squeakier as she went on. “Um, Rainbow Dash. Would you please, uh, um, dance for me? Um, ifyoudon’tmind!’ She blurted out at the end.
Dash stared at her friend for moment. “Yeah. Yeah I wouldn’t mind! Uh, but I don’t have the outfit I wore at Cloudsdale. Rarity has it at the moment. Uh, I guess I could ask her–”
“Oh that’s alright!” Fluttershy suddenly said. “I’m, um, uh, more interested in you dancing. Not some, um, outfit Rarity made for you.”
RD smiled and nodded her head. Then she flew over and lifted the cover off the gramophone. With that accomplished she opened the cabinet that held the music cylinders. Selecting the right one she placed it in the player and then she cranked it up the gramophone. Carefully she placed the needle on the cylinder and then rocketed back over to the pole. Landing on the platform she suddenly found herself blushing a bit.
“Alright! Now…Uh remember I have continued to dance, but I haven’t done that specific routine since the competition. Ssssooo I might not nail every detail of it.”
Fluttershy promptly sat down and nodded her head. “Um, understood.”
RD closed her eyes and started moving to music. Of course she couldn’t do the exact routine she’d performed at the coliseum inside the barn so she started riffing off the core idea. At first she very aware of her longtime friend now intimate partner intently watching her, but as she got more and more into the dance she lost herself in the music.
For her part Fluttershy had never seen anything so amazing in her life. Up close she could truly appreciate the way RD’s body moved and twisted around the pole. She was fascinated with how RD’s muscles and tendons tensed and stretching as she danced. Instinctively Fluttershy started inching closer and closer to the platform. Until her front hooves were resting on the edge of the platform. Her turquoise eyes were intently locked onto light Cerulean Blue mare as her wings slowly started to twitch.
Eventually RD noticed what Fluttershy had done. At first she blushed as she realized how her friend was thinking of her now, but after a moment she felt a thrill race through her and she started manipulating the routine. Adding elements that wouldn’t have worked in competition or would’ve been too controversial.
By the end of the music Fluttershy’s elbows were resting on the platform. Wing spread wide, wide-eyed, and now breathing heavily she watched her friend finished her routine. RD slowly slid down the pole until she lying with her belly on the platform looking at her friend with their muzzles just inches apart. Dash was blushing again but she reached forward with a front hoof and booped her friend on muzzle.
Suddenly Fluttershy’s butt wiggled the same way a cats will before they pounce. Without a word she leaped onto the platform bowling RD over in the process and pinning her down on the platform.
To be continued.
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