Original Description:
Dr. Fauna smiled warmly as she approached the end of the table. She was tall and supple, with brown eyes and short hair pulled into a ponytail. She was really attractive; her blouse did little to conceal her pert breasts. Her smile usually made other people smile in response, but Spike’s expression didn’t change.
His eyes met hers for an instant... then he turned his head away to stare out the window.
“I gotta say, when I saw your name on my schedule today I was really excited,” she said. “Don’t worry, just relax, get comfortable, and I will take care of you.”
As she leaned in close to him, Spike was treated to a glimpse of her tight, round ass. Her eyes flashed as she caught him peeking and shot him a knowing glance, followed by another small smile.
“Well, I can see that your eyes are as gorgeous as ever,” she told him. “Now let’s check your breathing.”
Spike knew the drill. He growled softly as he turned his face away from her again, cleared his throat, and reached for the buttons on his shirt.
“You know, you don’t have to take your shirt off for this first part,” she said.
“You’re just going to ask me to do it later,” he replied. “I figured I might as well.”
“Open wide,” she said as she looked down his throat. “Thank you.”
Dr. Fauna’s chest heaved; her breathing came in short, rapid bursts, as she placed a thermometer between Spike’s lips, then placed her stethoscope over his ribcage and listened to his heart.
She did all the usual things: checking his vitals, took his pulse, normal; his blood pressure was a little high, and heart rate, which was strong and steady.
“Ooh, my goodness!” she breathed.
His core temperature was 2,500 degrees, which he assured her was normal for dragons.