Now, I have tons of motives of why I hate this couple! First off, I…
…Nah. I’m messing with you. Just don’t think Flash Scent&Twilight Sparkle fits. I mean, Twilight being girly already sounds off to me, and I thought it was quite out of blue. And so did the authors.
“In way I’m kind of glad. Love stories these days are in the toilet so it would take a TON of creative writing & a miracle to have the FlashXTwilight ship work well. Romance tends to steal the lime light lot because creators thinks it’s interesting & it could be but it feels like detracts from the reason why we watch the show in the first place.
Also the other factor is that the Flash she “likes” is Human Flash so it would seem kind of heartless to date his pony counterpart. But if you were bring human Brad in to the pony world you would have 2 Flash Sentries to deal with.
And really if you stop & think about it just how long does Twilight know the guy? They are probably at best friends if not really just casual acquaintances that flirt with each other.
I’m also glad that they didn’t do the cliche ideas of the dreaming hot guy that our hero instantly fell in love with the moment they met.
It maybe a good idea in theory but it’s how you execute the idea that decides if it’s good or bad. Best to leave sleeping dogs lie as they say. Doesn’t stop the fanfics though!” by ~StrandedGeek
Couldn’t say it better. Other than that, I think I have no complaints about Equestria Girls. It was nothing like I thought. It was way worse. And that’s why I want it to stay that way.