Again and again, breaths flowed from the earth pony to the pegasus below, more and more of his slightly oversquished body taking shape beneath her. Slowly, her huffs began to fill him enough to bear her weight fully, her hind legs squeezing his haunches comfortably as the air swirled within him. His eyes groggily began to open, the earth pony internally sighing in relief that he’d soon be aware enough - though, even now, her mind was still thinking back to that chance encounter, so long ago. It was hardly the case that it was left on bad terms; indeed, by all accounts she deliberately hid her return to awareness so he’d continue puffing her up within the confines of that vehicle of his - but if he were expecting the same treatment, well, this tent was assuredly much larger than the back of that vehicle was.
He did invite her out here to test out some new toys, though, after all…
My entry for Winterlight’s contest, a little self-indulgent sequence. Shenanigans ahoy~