From the pervious picture, “Clown Stunt Fail”, Twilight and Spike made an accidental failed attempt to land on the pie causing every pony to laugh. Spike Ended up feeling humiliated at first until at the end of the show The mayor announced that the winner was him for best comedy. Spike, Twilight and the gang were surprised. Spike then realized that they laughed because his unexpected attempt made it funnier. As he proudly smiles and gives his speech to the audience, he learns that accidents can happen any time even if it’s to try doing a funny stunt for talent , and sometimes it can make things better because when that hilarious unexpected thing happened, That’s how it made it even more funnier. Besides When being a clown they’re supposed to be let’s say, scatterbrains. In conclusion, it turns out the comedy didn’t end up humiliating after all. :D
part 1