Scootaloo walked around the cave, trying to find a way out
Scootaloo: Scared I’m…I’m sure there’s an exit around here….somewhere…
????: Scootaloo…
Upon hearing the voice, the little filly froze
Scootaloo: Huh? Who’s that?
????: Scootaloo…
Scootaloo: Looks around Who’s there?!
????: Scootaloo…
Scootaloo: Come out, whoever you are!
Out of the darkness, came a unicorn whose fur, mane and tail are the same colours as Scootaloo’s. She wore a black and red dress with a veil
Scootaloo: Gasp! You’re…you’re…you’re Sable Spirit! The empress! The old friend of Mistmane!
Sable Spirit: Yes… That’s me, dear… However, I think you’ll find that I’m also something else…
Scootaloo: Confused Huh? What do you mean?
Sable Spirit: Heaves a heavy sigh Scootaloo… I’m your real mother…
Hearing this, the filly stare with her mouth agape
Scootaloo: Stunned Wha…? No… That’s….that’s not possible… Snap Shutter and Mane Allgood are my real parents… Or were my real parents… She looked down, still remembering losing her real parents as well as her two aunts
Sable Spirit: Sighs sadly I’m afraid that it’s the truth, sweetie… I am your biology mother… Those two ponies….were your foster parents…
Scootaloo’s eyes went with shock as she looked at Sable
Scootaloo: Shocked What…?
Sable Spirit: Sighs again You see, many years after Mistmane gave me her beauty and after I had….passed on…I made a request to some spirits, asking them if I could be brought back to life… They granted my wish and I came back to earth… However, I was really lonely in my old home since all my old friends were gone… So, I decide to have a child, I met a handsome stallion and soon, I was pregnant with you… Unfortunately, that stallion, your biology father, got attacked by a couple of thugs and he…didn’t survive… Not to mention, I didn’t realise that my time on earth was limited… I was only allowed to return for a year… I didn’t realise that….not until after I gave birth to you…
Scootaloo: More shocked Oh, my…
Sable Spirit: I couldn’t let you be on yourself, so I had give you to another family to take care of you… When I came across Snap, Mane, Holiday and Lofty, I leaved you on the doorstep just before I disappeared and returned to the afterlife… They weren’t best pleased when they had to look after you…
Scootaloo stood there, now not knowing what to think…
Scootaloo: Stunned and crushed All this time…I thought that Snap and Mane were my parents… I thought that Holiday and Lofty were my two aunts… I thought that they truly loved me… I thought that they were my family… And all the time, they were actually my foster family… And they never even loved me… It’s no wonder why Snap and Mane were always on their missions and Holiday and Lofty were always taking trips and leaving me on my own… They were never my real family…
Sable Spirit: Feeling really guilty I’m so sorry, my little Scootaloo… I never wanted to make you miserable… I hope you can forgive me…
Sable gave the filly a tender hug. Scootaloo awkwardly returned it, but she still looked really sad
Scootaloo: Sad-Broke from the hug I…I don’t know if I can forgive you… I know you didn’t mean for this to happen, but…just like my foster family, you were never there for you… You never at least came to see me… Or take care of me… Or give me any love, affection or support…
Sable Spirit: Sighs sadly I’m sorry… Death, like life, is complicated… I really wanted to see you… But, I couldn’t…
The little orange filly started walking away
Scootaloo: Looking down I’m glad that Bow and Windy are my real parents now… I’m glad that Rainbow Dash is my real big sister… They are my real true family… They are always there for me… They truly love me…
Sable Spirit: Nods her head sadly, but understandably I completely understand… They take care of you a lot better than your foster family…and me… But I just want you to understand that I’m truly sorry… And I love you…
Scootaloo just kept walking away, not even bothering looking back…
Scootaloo: I’m not sure if I can love you or appreciate your apology… But, at least, you show guilt and remorse… However, I don’t want to see you for a long while…
Sable Spirit: Leaks a tear of sadness as she starts to fade away Okay… You go back to your adopted family… Your real family… Take care….my little princess…
The empress then faded away and return to the afterlife. Soon, Scootaloo found the exit and walked out of the cave
Scootaloo is adopted by Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original family pass away.
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts, Sound of Silence and Best Gift Ever) are not canon.