Home the home family man Home -r was too R-rated like the word retarded that he was called Hometard for a while, but that ended when he left the show. Homer and Pinkie pie had something in common, and that was the lust, thirst and hunger for SEX DRUGS! Pinkie pie (the best pony) wasn’t really in to the MLP flow of friendship and magic. Those two teamed up went after the legendary treasure, the hidden coke! The legend goes that bunch of members of the nipple clan had hid a multiple sacks of coke under ground, but after loosing the war of sensation it was left there. By piecing together some vexatious hints, the found the right resting point of the bonanza!!
After tasting this pure potent libido powder, that had been cooked in lusty chemicals those two started to nook like never before!!!!