And now, here we are with……Season 8. Oh, boy, oh, boy, oh, boy…
To me, Season 8 was the beginning of the downfall of MLP.
There are so many problems I have with this season.
First, the School of Friendship. Was it really necessary? If they really bring other creatures together, they could have just upgraded the Ponyville Schoolhouse and made it more bigger. With the classroom expended, more bookshelves, a new paint job for the schoolhouse building and more games for kids like buckball and all sorts of fun things. That’s how I like to do it for my headcanon.
Second, the Mane Six and Starlight are absolute jerks and idiots here (Apart from the episodes The Washouts, Molt Down and Sounds of Silence)! Applejack, Rarity and Rainbow’s arguments in Non Complete Clause and The End of Friend are just idiotic! Fluttershy was handel absolutely badly in Fake It ‘Til You Make It! Pinkie being depressed over a yovidaphone in Yakity-Sax is just dumb! Starlight banning Discord in A Matter of Principals was just downright cruel (Just as cruel as the Fat Controller yelling at poor Thomas in Sodor’s Legend of the Lost Treasure)! And Twilight….oh, God! This season (Along with Season 9) RUINED her character development from The 2017 Movie!
Third, the Student Six are just not really interesting to me (Apart from Ocellus). They fall on the same problem as Nia and Rebecca from Thomas, boring, dull and easily replaceable. They could have just Bon-Bon, Lyra Heartstrings, DJ Pon-3/Vinyl Scratch, Octavia Melody, Derpy Hooves and Moondancer joined the main cast instead.
And finally, Cozy Glow……Jesus Tap-dancing Christ! What a absolute b—–h! She sucks as a good guy AND a bad guy! What the hell were they even thinking of making her?! She just burn in Hell!
However, as the old saying goes “There’s always a diamond in the rough”.
For my favourite episode of Season 8, The Washouts. This is not only because it feature my all-time favourite characters of MLP (Rainbow Dash and Scootaloo), the message is handel really well. Rainbow showing genuine concern for Scootaloo really how shows much she loves her little sister. It was quite a surprise to see Lightning Dust again and it was hilarious seeing her being dragged into the sky! Plus, the scenes where Rainbow and Scootaloo hug are just so sweet and wholesome! And the Scootaloo fanclub was so heartwarming! Not to mention, even though they only a brief cameo, it was great to Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles again!….Though, I wish that they had shared Rainbow’s role in the episode.
Another episode I like is Molt Down. It was mind-blowing seeing Spike getting wings! Plus, the way he was fighting that creature was badass! Although, I think that they should have handed Smolder’s role to a other dragon and I wish there more Sparity (Yes, I ship Spike and Rarity) moments.
Sounds of Silence is also interesting episode. The Kirkins are interesting and Autumn Blaze is rather cute.
The episode I’m neutral to is What Lies Beneath. While I think the Stepford Ponies are pretty cute and the message is handel somewhat well, personally I think that the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Diamond Tiara, Silver Spoon and Pipsqueak should have been in the episode instead of the Student Six.
Now, for my least favourite episode…..definitely Marks for Effort! God Amìghty, Twilight is complete and utter a–hole in the episode! She should have gotten all the facts together first before jumping to conclusions! What did she did those poor fillies was cruel! If I were in the CMC’s place, I would break my friendship with her and never speak to her again! And that Cozy Glow is just as bad! Failing her test on purpose and pinning the blame on the CMC?! What a ungrateful little brat! If someone failed their test and tried to pin the blame on me, I’d strangle the tosser!
Overall, Season 8 is just terrible. Oh, but it gets worse when Season 9 came along…
If there is anyone who likes Season 8 of MLP, then I respect your opinion.
Note: It’s irony really I love Season 8 of Thomas, but I hate Season 8 of MLP. Funny, ain’t it?