Here’s another piece of the fusion I made of #twilightsparkle and #rainbowdash but with Pinkie!
#MLPFiM #mlp #pony #mlpart
Now some more lore for those curious! (read here if you wish to know why this fusion exist!)
*After taking her new fusion form, the both them struggled for a bit. Stumbling onto their hooves and looking around their surroundings. They both can hear the noise outside of the others approaching Twilight’s house. Rainbow and Twilight speak in unison in their mind while speaking singular outloud. “Well this feels weird.” They cover their mouth in shock and look to their muzzle noticing the strangeness of the moment. Fluttershy approached knocking softly on the door as Rainbow Sparkle hesitated to answer. “Hello, Twilight? Are you in there?” *
They both panic as they rush to put a robe over themselves, feeling in the moment that it isn’t the time to surprise them. She rushes to the door and opens it, attempting to try a Twilight impression but her voice coming out more raspy.
“Heyyy Flutterss. How ya doooo?”
“Uh… Twilight? Are you feeling ok? Ya been back and forth from the library. I thought to check up on you.”
“Yeah yeah!” Rainbow Sparkle replied, coughing a bit and hiding herself with the robe. “Just getting medicine. I think I got the bad case of the Shivers.” “SHIVERS?!” Fluttershy forces herself in with remarkable strength pushing them on the ground in a flop. Rainbow Sparkle tries to hesitantly cover herself but Flutters looks at her with concerned eyes.
“Huh? Your not Twilight. Who are you?” This is where Twilight in their mind starts panicking and talking with Rainbow Dash.“This is not good no no noooo this is VERY not good! I wasn’t ready to explain that NOW!”Rainbow Dash chuckles as she replies back to her“What did you expect Twilight? They were bound to come and check up on ya. Although I’m surprised it wasn’t Pinkie who did.”Almost like Pinkie sensed it, she barged through the now open doorway bouncing in.
“Hiiiiii Flutters! Hiiiii- NEW FRIEND?! HI! Welcome to Ponyville, it’s nice to meet you, I’m-” “Pinkie Pie.” Rainbow Sparkle spoke up. “Woooaahhh You know me?! Oh boy I must be famous!” Pinkie Pie dramatically bounces around with excitement before Rainbow Sparkle smiles and sat down on the floor. “Ohhhh I know know you more then you realize hah.” “What’s that friend?” “Oh nothing haha.” Rainbow Sparkle smiled as Pinkie Pie sat on the floor with her.