Dressed up as Menace from Queen’s Blade (It was SweetCream’s idea and I loved it so fight me)
“You can’t kill hope.”
-Varok Saurfang and also some Night Elf
Somnambula is always a delight to have around Full Service Hotel. Clothing in her ancient society was extremely optional, and seeing as she was transported ahead in time, she hasn’t quite adjusted to (or rather, kind of refuses to adjust to) society clothing norms.
In her words:
“Our body is the temple of our soul, and all temples should be free for all to worship, should they not? Kept clean, decorated to draw attention, gilded to make those who look upon it feel as though they were transported to the best possible afterlife? The gods should be proud of your temple, smile upon it, lay their hands upon it to bless it and all those who show it praise.”
As of this post, Full Service Series 4 is being crowdfunded to become a real physical deck like the previous 3 series were! You can click here to find out how to help the production of the deck and pre-order your own deck or previous decks, as well as other cool things!