Original Description:
technomod:ask-ickle-mod:ask-opalescent-pearl:asktechnowizard:ATTEMPT 2.So I mighta done a thing. :3 Just some good friends I’ve come to know over the course of tumblrponning, and a few from before, all mighty overdue for gift art! Specifically done in random order. ;P Took a few liberties here and there! Hope y’all don’t mind.Blogs featured are, in order of appearance:ask-ickle-museask-prof-smirkaskthenightguardsa-s-k-dollyaskpenwrightask-opalescent-pearlaskmerriweatheraskrustynailshinyshainiwordsmithrepliesthelordofaldheimasksandyshoresaskbritanniaaskashapeshifteraskaltonask-wigglesaskseabornmylittlechangelingI had lots of fun with this! I’ll probably post individuals on my modblog later today when I get around to… cutting and cropping all of these.Also, for the sake of others not having this appear on their dash twenty times, try adding the tag “tech portraits reblog” so people can blacklist it for a little while, or something. Xkit has an extension for this too, I think. Just be courteous to your followers! Chances are a lot of them follow these same people too!(( *SCREECHES HAPPILY OVER PRECIOUS BABY* AHHHHhhhhhh Tech, this is amazing and thank you so much! ;v; ajdjsjahjsjsknahhwjk ))Aaaaw lookit Ickle with a braid! I’m gonna have to draw that on her sometime! <3 you did such a lovely job with these portraits too! They look like they could easily double as con badges. ’ v ‘‘Eyyy, if folks wanted to use’em as badges, that’d be neat! I’ve still got the original file if anyone wanted to mess with layers or add their own text and such. Folks should hit me up if they wanna.