Original Description:
Here is Rarity for my headcanon!
Species: Unicorn
Gender: Female
Friends: Twilight Sparkle, Queen Chrysalis, Nyx, Twila, Larva, Crystal, Applejack, Apple Bloom, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie, Marble Pie, Rainbow Dash, Scootaloo, Bow Hothoof, Windy Whistles, Moon Dancer, Minuette, Twinkleshine, Lemon Hearts, Bon-Bon/Sweetie Drops, Lyra Heartstrings, Octavia Melody, Sassy Saddles, etc.
Enemies: Queen Chrysalis (Formerly), Queen Avia, Tirek, King Sombra (Formerly), Discord (Formerly), Prince Blueblood, etc,
Family: Hondo Flanks (Father), Cookie Crumbles (Mother), Fleur-De-Lis (Aunt), Fancy Pants (Uncle-in-law), Sweetie Belle (Little sister), Spike (Husband), Twilight Sparkle (Adoptive sister-in-law), Queen Chrysalis (Adoptive sister-in-law), Nyx (Adoptive niece), Twila (Adoptive niece), Larva (Adoptive niece), Crystal, Twilight Velvet and Night Light (Adoptive parents-in-law), Shining Armor (Adoptive brother-in-law), Cadance (Adoptive sister-in-law), Skyla (Adoptive niece) and Flurry Heart (Adoptive niece)
Note: The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception of The Washouts and Best Gift Ever) are not canon.