Here’s my ideal spin-off The Sweethearts…but in the style of The Railway Series!
Dear, friends,
We all very about Spike and Rarity making the perfect couple as the two share the same love for gems (Even Spike sometimes eats them!) and Big Macintosh and Marble Pie make the perfect couple as they are two ponies who usually talk much.
However, many others have been asking me the same question: How come Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy make a happy couple despite the fact they have a lot of differences such as Pinkie loves to be loud, be bouncy and par-ty all night and Fluttershy loves to be quiet, take things easily and sleep?
The answer is simple: it doesn’t matter if they’re different as they both perfectly matched. Hopefully these stories will make you understand.
Plot: Fluttershy was enjoying a stormy thunder filled night, when Pinkie suddenly came to her doorstep. Fluttershy decided to make it into a sleepover. Knowing the party pony surly they could have a lot of fun. Well, if it weren’t for Pinkie being so scared…
Plot: When Fluttershy unexpectedly made a wish, both she and Pinkie thought she must have superpowers…except Rainbow and her adopted little sister Scootaloo, who both don’t seem to believe it. When Fluttershy wished that the sisters would disappear so that they wouldn’t laugh at her and later gets asked by their parents, Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles where they have gone, can she wish for them to be found?
Plot: When Fluttershy catches a cold, it’s up to Pinkie Pie take care of her….as well as the animals!
Double Date
Plot: Spike and Rarity go on a date to the crystal caves and decide bring Pinkie and Fluttershy along for a double date. Things go south however, when the two sweethearts get lost in one of the many caves. While trying to find a way out, the mares make a rather inserting discovery…
The Shy Question (Loosely based on the episode The Big Mac Question)
Plot: When Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy decide to propose to each other, an unexpected snow storm arrives and spoils their friends’ ideas. However, the power of love is strong and the two mares must get brave through to get to each other!
Plot: It’s eleven months after the events of Season 7 and The Movie and the friends have slowly drifted away from each other with Twilight living with her wife Chrysalis at the Changeling Hive, Spike and his marefriend Rarity opening a new business in the Hive, Sweetie Belle becoming a changeling to help protect the hive from danger, Applejack married to Discord, Big Mac married to Marble Pie and living with her at the Rock Farm, Apple Bloom living with her parents (Pear Butter and Bright Mac) in Appleloosa, Rainbow becoming a Shadowbolt and Scootaloo living in Cloudsdale with her adopted parents (Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles). The only ones left are Fluttershy and Pinkie. The couple are rather sad about having to let their friends go and now they only have each other for company. However, a special gala at Canterlot might help bring them altogether again…
The events of Season 8-9 (With the exception The Washouts and Best Gift Ever) are not canon to my headcanon.
Scootaloo gets adopted get Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles after her original parents and two aunts pass away.
Applejack and Pinkie are NOT cousins and Big Mac is married to Marble.
Queen Chrysalis is reformed here and married to Twilight.
Applejack’s parents are alive here.
Sweetie Belle becoming a changeling is loosely based on this:
Following after the poor treatment the Wonderbolts gave her in Newbie Dash, Rainbow quits the Wonderbolts and joins the Shadowbolts instead. Don’t worry, she doesn’t become a villain. For my headcanon, the Shadowbolts are real and instead of being performers or soldiers like the Wonderbolts, they are vigilante superheroes. This was based on an idea by King Grover: