Dally bagel
Also known as jolly dally, he spent most of his early years traveling around in his bagel cart. He met many new ponies and set up many shops along the way and then gave his businesses over to other ponies down on their luck to manage them for him. This made him a traveling millionaire not that he cared or anyone could tell. He spent his money on funny fashion and paying for other ponies’ meals at restaurants. He arranged himself with many little bells so others would know his around and became pretty famous for it. Though his father many not think it he’s a fantastic investor and helped many business get off the ground and booming.
Clementine frost
Is a children’s book writer but found her life in another story, settlers seemed hell bent on removing every tree and shrub from the ground to make buildings and homes. Saddened by her childhood town being almost completely industrialized she set up organizations to protect these places, calling them national parks that everypony can enjoy without worrying about it being chopped down. It wasn’t until her later years did she find time to write a couple of dozen books and publish them