Among the many mysteries surrounding the Greater Cave Tentacula, one of the more prominent has to do with the creature’s life-cycle. Virtually little is known beyond estimations about the Tentacula’s life span and development process. Most bodies found are usually very deteriorated by the time they reach scientific instruments, and the one recovered from the Manehattan river recently is little exception. As usual, we were able to gleen some answers, while other mysteries only seemed to deepen.
One of the biggest challenges was determining the creature’s age. As the Tentacula is an invertebrate, it does not have any bones with which to study. The tough outer shell across its main body (developed to protect what some scientists liken to a squid’s mantle, or something analogous, due to its shape and anatomy) hold some answers, but without knowing the rate of development, we are left only to speculate. Some of the more fanciful members of my research team postulated - rather absurdly and without facts - that the specimen we found was over 300 years old, if not much older. As no other member of the Tentacula family exceeds more than 20 year life spans, this theory is completely baseless and ludicrous, and once again I found myself having to remind my staff against such flights of fancy.
The cause of death, however, was more readily discerned: the state of surviving organs indicated old age.
Judging by the sediment caught in the specimen’s belly, we also determined that the carcass likely originated from somewhere within the Everfree Forest, and according to some of its reproductive organs, it had been sexually active right up until the moment of its death.
This has raised the intriguing possibility of there being young Tentacula in the wild somewhere within that forest. If one could be recovered, it could help immensely in finally putting to rest all of these foolish rumors and help bring the Tentacula firmly into the spectrum of scientific reality. Of course, few souls are willing to step foot into the Everfree Forest, due to its many dangers. But that only makes it seem like an even more perfect place for a small population of Tentacula to go unnoticed by civilization.
Luckily, Intern Sparkling Breeze seemed eager enough to survey the region ahead of a proper expedition. Hopefully in the next few days we’ll have the information we need - and a specimen to study - to finally peel back the myth of the Greater Cave Tentacula, once and for all.