Rainbow dash also known as RBG in this universe. Unfortunately she isn’t the fastest flyer in clouds dale by a long shot. She was a late bloomer and was heavily bullied for it, that’s how she got roped into a race with flutter. While racing against flutter she tried so hard to go faster and as a result ended up making a giant storm that shot them with lightning sending them down into earth. After getting saved by flutter they found themselves lost in the ever forest, while flutter spent her time looking for anypony on land. The trees above the forest are notoriously hard to deal with and in the beginning they were but she was able to figure out what no other had before, how to tame untameable clouds. With the commotion in the sky and the animals on land, earth pony’s went into the woods only to find two filly’s bringing them back to cloudsdale.
RBG was still bullied in school and ended up dropping out when flutter graduated. She lived with her while taking up earth pony school; it wasn’t long before she dealt with some clouds harassing the town. After that went down she was recruited by the storm chasers hired to break them up. So when she’s not on hunts she lives with flutter and helps out with the animals.