This is a headcanon sheet or the stallion mane six. I wanted to make them more so their own charcters. I made one for the originals but it looks like someone else posted here first (Something I never thought I’d say. I am so happy *squee)
First is Butterscotch. He is visually the opposite of Flutters. Tall at a nice 5’ 8’’. I wanted to go for a gentle giant effect. He is a Red Deer pegasus (Father is a deer, mother is a pony). He is 28, maybe a little younger than Twilight Sparkle. While Fluttershy is more in tune with animals and small critters, Butterscotch is better with plants. He knows how to take care of any type of flower, plant, or tree.
Rainbow Blitz next. He is a thoroughbred pegasus. He is 5’ 9’’ and 28, a little older than Twilight and Butterscotch. He is very feathery and so totaly manly. You can tell by the rainbow hoofpaint. Rainbow Blitz isn’t as fast in the air because his wings are small, but he can run quite fast. He can run at a powerful 140 to 170 MPH. That isn’t to say he’s not a fast flier. He’s just not as fast as Rainbow Dash.
Male Applejack. I refer to male Applejack as Applejax, so that’s what I’m going to call him so that there’s less confusion. Applejax is the biggest at a wopping 6 feet tall. He is a Shire horse and is 29, older than Rarity.
Bubble Berry next. Bubble Berry is an Irish Donkey (Mother is a pony, father is a pony. He gets the donkey from another relative). I saw somebody make Pinkie a donkey and I fell in love with the idea so I had to make someone a donkey. So Bubble Berry is the man. Bubble Berry is 4’ 4’’ and is 27, slightly older than Fluttershy. He has a super furry body. Bubble Berry likes to make smoothies, parfeits, milkshakes, and other drinks and fancy fruity foods.
Next is Elusive. Elusive is an Arabian unicorn. He is 5’ 6’’ and 30. He is the oldest out of everyone. Elusive is a fashion designer like Rarity, but while Rarity is primarily a feminine fashion designer who designs dresses and gowns, Elusive designs suits and tuxedos. He primarily designs fashion for the bulkier figures of stallions.
And finally there’s Dusk Shine. Dusk Shine is a 27 year old Arabian unicorn, only slightly older than Fluttershy. He is 5’ 4’’. Dusk Shine is a librarian. He works very hard and puts off other things such as hygene (Hense the messy mane and tail) and eating, ’cause who needs to eat, so he can keep working on his studies in his spare time instead.