They had been searching for hours. Twilight and Fluttershy set off at noon not expecting it to take long. With Fluttershy’s nearly map-like knowledge of the Everfree and Twilight’s magic signature spell it shouldn’t have taken as long as it did. It was around 9 or 10 pm when the pair came across one of many small clearings Fluttershy spoke of, thats when they found them. Two peacefully sleeping foals huddling together surrounded by flowers, seemingly unaware of noises around them. As timber wolves howled in the distance, Twilight approached carefully.
“They’re real, and breathing,” Twilight who usually had so much to say felt quiet in this moment. Moonlight fell through the thick leaves onto the foals, a magical moment. The smaller one, the unicorn lay sprawled out like a starfish with her sister adorned on top like protective jewelry. A protective purple butterfly.
Fluttershy and Twilight shared glances, both coming to the same conclusion, they look nothing like Chrysalis. One unicorn the other a flutterpony. One the same as Shining the supposed father and the other a species so rare they are practically extinct.
“Twilight, what do we do? They must be so cold.” Neither mare moved.
“Crystal Empire, Shining, He must know right?”
“We need to take them to a doctor I hope they’re ok”
“Right doctor, then the empire, do you really think that they are actually his?” Twilight calmed slightly but started to pace a little bit watching the foals snooze in the soft breeze.
“I don’t know” Fluttershy furrowed her brow, “I’ll take them home for the night then Nurse Redheart in the morning.”
“Thank you Fluttershy, I’ll write to Shining right away this is big… lets meet at the train tomorrow.” With that Fluttershy and Twilight picked up the fillies who still slept despite the disturbance.
Heres part 2! I actually have the sketches/lineart done for I wanna say majority of the scenes so hopefully the story won’t take a super long time to upload
Btw the Unicorn foal was designed by RatUnknown and the Flutterpony was designed by Stars-in-a-Bottle
Their name reveals will ofc happen later in the story when they get named lol