Twilight Sparkle has stumbled upon a truly wonderous and revolutionary discovery.
What could it possibly be??
The next installment to the Too Close Series is here! A little series I came up with in which the mane 6 (plus some extras) get to occupy the camera at point-blank distance to address your presence and take up your personal space; by extension, staring straight into your soul, eyes wide with life ^^.
I’ve always appreciated the eyes when it comes to the MLP designs and it is a definite highlight getting to draw them on full display.
It has recently come to my attention that I have just peaked at 1,000 WATCHERS!! I have a little commemorative image locked and loaded, in which I have felt obligated to thank everyone profusely in the description. Just an fyi~
For right now, the invasive Pony comic strip series powers on!
As always, Hope you Enjoy!
If you wanna see more MLP-related fanart, go ahead and drop a Watch ^^.
If you wanna commission me something in particular, go ahead and send me a Note!