Sonic woke up from his sleep and found himself in a unfamiliar room strapped into a comfy chair of some kind. He saw his for legs were restrained and wires attached to his head and chest. He tried to move, but it was no use and only his back legs still free.
Ah! Your awake my dear subject., came a familiar voice that Sonic recognized as Gene Star came into his line of sight wearing a medical green scub like rubber suit with a surgeon’s cap wearing an oxygen mask on her muzzle connected to a rebreather equipped saddle on her back.
Sonic groaned as he knew Gene was behind this and knowing he be frequently running into her recently as she used him in a few ‘experiments’ of hers that the stallion wish he could forget. Soon he said to the unicorn scientist/surgeon, “Gene! I should known you had something to do with this! Where am I?!”
Gene Star smiled behind her mask and said to the blue stallion, “Oh my extraction lab is all. I needed a test subject to assist me in a experiment with a machine I just found recently and put back together. I also made a few tweeks to it too and, so my dear stallion I brought you here since you helped so much with my experiments.”
Sonic rolled his eyes and muttered under his breath, “Yeah and her favorite victim.”
Soon Gene went over to a console of some kind and pressed a button on the console as holographic displays appeared around her. At that moment a new sound was heard from the sealing as Sonic looked up to see a strange machine coming down and brought down to his level to his face. The machine had strange yellow tanks hooked up the very end of the contraption and had dark grey colored hoses with a spout that had a mask for a stallion or pony’s muzzle to fit in while dark grey hose connected to the bottom of the mask.
Sonic looked at the machine with confusion and said out loud to Gene Star, “What is that thing?”
Gene Star left the console and walked up to the machine as she patted it before saying to Sonic, “This is the machine I found and rebuilt. Say hello to the Scream Extractor.”
Gene Star soon when back to the console of the Scream Extractor and turned it on. All system were powered up as Gene called to Sonic, “You might want to take enough breaths for your lungs if I were you! The machine might suck the air right out of your lungs.”
Sonic was left in confusion at what Gene meant until the extractor began to suck in air from its mask like a vacuum before tube like began to extend towards his muzzle. He could feel the suction of air from the machine as the extractor’s mask began to get closer to his face.
The blue pegasus stallion tried to move his head away from the mask as it got closer to him. As it neared his face Sonic’s muzzle’s lips began to flap as the suction of the machine began to pull them in. The mask was now closer to his face as the machine sucked his muzzle into the mask. The blue stallion let out a panicked muffled moan as the machine was sucking the air out of his lungs more like his scream energy.
The hoses began to budge as as gulps of scream energy was extracted from the subject. Gene Star walked over to the blue stallion and rubbed his forehead before she said to him, “Just relax my little stallion. I made sure the machine wouldn’t suck the air out of your lungs. Enjoy your scream extraction and after that I give you oxygen to breath once we are done.”
Gene Star went back over to the console to control the extractor and monitor Sonic’s condition. Sonic just let the machine suck his screams out of his lungs as load after load was extracted from him as he felt his lung burn for air and thought he was going to pass out from the suction of the extractor.
Soon Gene Star turned off the machine as the mask popped of Sonic’s muzzle who was catching his breath and breathing heavily. Gene came over to the chair a with medical oxygen tank connected to a light blue colored rubber hose connected to a black mask equipped with a medical green breathing bag and placed it over Sonic’s muzzle with her magic. Sonic took deep breaths from the mask as much needed oxygen was supplied to his lungs.
“That’s it Sonic. Breathe in your earned oxygen. Nice slow deep breaths.”, said Gene as she stroke Sonic’s forehead as he breathed from his mask. He was glad that he was breath air again and thought he had to spend hours hooked up to that scream vacuum sucking machine. The green breathing bag grew and shrank with breath he took. Soon he blacked out after having a lot of his strength literally sucked out of him as Gene took off the restraints and took Sonic over to a soft lab table like bed and placed him on there. She then placed a blanket over him to keep him warm before unhooking the light blue hose to the oxygen tank and hooked it up to a ventilator which she turned on as the pump came on and started pumping air with the hooked up oxygen tanks to the out cold stallion.
“Rest as long as you like Sonic. You deserve it after your scream extraction. I be back to check on you in a bit.”, said Gene as she left the lab and turned off the lights to allow the exhausted stallion to rest.