In the final scene of Innocent Sun’s story, a future version of her (from another universe) that traveled back to her time to recruit her to stop the destruction of something something who cares. It’s a dumb joke to end the story on. Yeah, so, I saw the last scene of No More Heroes III and thought, “Wouldn’t it be goofy if I took a little bit of “”“inspiration””” from that scene?” and this is the result. I also wanted to draw a future version of Death Drive along with her but I got lazy. I made the design for this future-Innocent Sun weird and different to make it look like she’s the protagonist of her own story, and I was going to give her artificial arms (think of a centaur), but I ended up giving those to the future-Death Drive, since she’d probably have them to wield some swords or something. I say “probably” because… y’know… I ended up not drawing her at all.