Cheval was a dreamer, staring off into space with a pencil stuck conveniently behind her ear was how her friends often found her. The world had so much to offer and so many secrets to uncover, so of course Cheval, who hailed from the region that would later be known as Prance, couldn’t stay in one place. That was how she met her friends and she brought her brilliant ideas along with her. Chev was the first to chime in with ideas that sounded so ridiculous they just might have worked! Since she was already known as a bit of a weirdo nobody questioned it when she started having magical visions about a world of hairless bipeds, especially not her friends who were some of the only ponies to understand the fickleness of magic at the time. Needless to say ponies have the Element of Creativity to thank for things like the crystal mirror to the human world and the mirror pool that would come in handy when the six mares would least expect it.
Cloud Walker
Cloud hit the ground running since the day she was born but the one thing she never ran from was a problem! She always had her friends backs and had a hard time saying no, but not because she was afraid. C.W. would never have turned her back on a challenge anyway but she got a certain reserve of bravery knowing that she was facing the impossible for her friends. Although she was a bit of a thrill seeker as well so it would be dishonest to say putting herself in danger wasn’t a perk of the job. Whenever Cloud actually stood still the vitality shot through her like electricity, an animated pony whose enduring energy few would be able to forget- even less so for those who saw her run. At its core though, running was one thing that wasn’t about the glory or the chase. When she would run through the land she felt freer than the pegasi in the sky.
If you got to know her you’d see she was like anypony else but most of the time Skywhinny seemed like the black sheep of her friend group, even next to the Alicorn of Death. She could be a bit obsessive at times. Whether it was her pursuit of crystal magic or worrying about every little thing that could possibly go wrong her mind was always a bit occupied. At the end of the day though she wasn’t totally half-glass empty just yet. Skywhinny understood that despite the very real dangers out there other creatures could still be trusted. It was her belief that creatures…if you truly gave them a chance, were honest and sincere at heart that allowed her to connect to the other elements of harmony and eventually one very special pony that brought her her daughter. Long before that, though, Skywhinny was an overall idealistic pony. Her anxiety and her deep trust for her friends meant she couldn’t let a problem go. For better or for worse she always wanted to get to the bottom of things and could come across as a bit of an antagonist.
Perfect Refrain
Perfect Refrain was like a sweet birdsong in pony form, she flew through the ponylands at the crack of dawn to greet the world as it awoke. She was quite the theatrical mare as well but never at the expense of others. Refrain was incredibly passionate about making everypony know there was someone in their corner. Every day she made sure to stop by and say hello to the ponies who lived near her. If there were favors or errands they could use help with she’d always lend a hoof. It wasn’t anywhere near blind hatred yet but the pony tribes still lived somewhat separately, so she would help plan things and encourage all the tribes to participate. Her biggest strength though, was with foals! She loved to dazzle and entertain them with the flight trails and dances she could do, all the while teaching them how to be better ponies and friends. Her favorite filly to foalsit for was the child of her close friends, Princess Celestia. She would be too young at the time to remember that much detail, but needless to say, when she would later go on to see the first Wonderbolts performance, she would feel incredibly nostalgic for her times with Perfect Refrain.
Sterling Rainbow and Golden Darkness’ actual elements are Humanity and Spirituality