New YCH is ready! Looping animation, designed for batponies or regular ponies in costume. I can change the wing to basic feather pegasus wings, but i don’t have an animated example yet. I was too excited to post it because i think it turned out great, and i mainly wanted it for batponies lol. Anyway, i need an example canon character for this animation. Who should it be? I was thinking Trixie maybe?
I can change regular characters into batponies. The price, as always, depends on the complexity. If there are no patterns on the wings, it would be free.
Customer gets:
640*360px animated gif file *** can chose square or circle cut instead! ***(if file size is too big, a free 12fps version)
320*180px animated gif file (if file size is too big, a free 12fps version)
1920*1080px FHD mp4 video file
2 x 1920*1080px FHD png static image file
Background color change: FREE
Body markings +2-5$
Different horn and/or wing type +1-5$
Chlothes and accessories +1-7$ depending on complexity!
Expression change +1-4$/character
Custom background change: +10$
Adding pre made background: 0$
Background element changes: to be discuessed
Different file types and sizes, extra files: +1-5$