Original Description:
“Why, dearie, Vesper, my boy, my sweet tickle-boy-toy… A spunky and vivacious Thestral like yourself ought be treasured and pampered! No crude torture for the likes of you…”“Pain is much too gratifying for your masculine ego, I quite think… No, you SUFFER so much more when your ticklish feet are rendered bare, taut and helpless under the assault of my murderous tools… I hyperbolize, Vesper: death shall NOT extract you from our captivity.”“Long, long weeks remain until we learn if your benefactors have offered the sum for your freedom… So much free time we may dedicate to tickling you with all the finesse and brutality that you deserve…”“Ought I remind you we are a negligible 55 minutes into your pedal tickle torture session, Vesper? How fortunate that we have HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of minutes to go… Weeks, my dear. WEEKS.”