Pipp: *Looks slightly disappointed
Also Pipp: *Bawls uncontrollably
There sure is a sad lack of Maretime Bay Adventure art. It’s a little over a year old now, but already I get some nostalgia out of it. Hasbro shared precious little future story with the game developers, so these poor guys had to make it up as they went with pretty much just the recent movie as a reference. As a result, we got a pretty simple plot; Opaline, Misty, and Sparky were not introduced yet, so we get one interpretation of the immediate aftermath from the movie. You can get some whiplash out of it really. Some of the characters were way different than what we have now (particularly Pipp).
Lovely though the game is, it has a ton of issues. Case and point, this scene . Normally, I don’t like making fun of other people’s mistakes because I know I’m just as fallible, but this was such an epic oof, I couldn’t help myself. To my knowledge, this game is still $40. Yes, I still paid that amount. Why do you ask? :3