Sonic looked at the alien spaceship and knew he had to get on board it before it take off. The only way to get on board the ship was through the vacuum tube. Even if he could fly up there the ship could take off any minute now.
Sonic (sighs): Ugh… I can’t believe I’m doing this! Guess I’m going for a ride.
Soon Sonic opened his wings and flew for the vacuum tube which was still on thankfully. Once he was under the nozzle the blue pegasus was sucked up into the tube by the vacuum. The green colored hose bulged as Sonic was brought through the tube and into the starship. It wasn’t long until the vacuum tube was brought up back into the spaceship as the circle door where it came from closed up before the ship’s engines roared and hummed before blasting off into space in a flash of light blue. The aliens that had captured the several equestrians were going to be in for a nasty surprise as they had a hitchhiker on their ship.