Hey everyone, it’s been another year of drawing - *sniff* I’m so proud of myself ;-;
Thank you everyone ! For sticking around, watching, viewing, commenting, favoriting, stalking, etc.~ Love y’all~
These are my personal picks for the best of each months - however unlike 2012, it’s harder to tell if there’s improvements or not. It’s more like style fluctuation this year ‘cause I apparently can’t make up my mind.
Too much detail. Too little detail.
Too strange, too soft, not enough shading.
Simplifying, removing more excess detail.
Improving speed at creating artworks, finding what’s unnecessary and how to shortcut techniques.
Understanding the anatomy some more, and identifying any awkward bits more.
Changing some detail (lighting/shading) into complexity (more lines to the mane/body).
Learning to do chibis/doodles really quickly/at all.
Yea, most of the improvements are more behind-the-scene and/or personal - or side-stepping to a different path owo
January - fav.me/d5rn5ks
Due to the drawing above floating around Tumblr - I got invited by the head of BronyCon design team to help out with BronyCon and I’m still part of the team for next BronyCon too!
BronyCon documentary also happened - I still question why they chose to include this fav.me/d590th4 but hey no complaints, free copies of the documentary for me
February - fav.me/d5vkm1r
The month where my OC Shooting Star and Darky’s OC Broken Dawn got together.
Also the month where I made this - fav.me/d5wbg9k
March - fav.me/d5yi4z1
A lazy month . . . !
This month is when I officially started using <a wytiwyg=“1” href=”<a href=” http:=”” dshou.tumblr.com=”” “=””>dshou.tumblr.com”>Tumblr - and it’s going quite nicely as of right now!
April - fav.me/d60c285
Yay for my Birthday! (April 2nd) I’m still holding all my gifts and such dear~
This month was when me and Darky got together in a relationship.
May - fav.me/d66fmel
There’s a lot of sketches in my journals I never shared properly - thinking about it fav.me/d67chdc
June - fav.me/d687ylu
Me mildly failing to understand how to set up commissions.
July - fav.me/d6dz9uc
Me setting up commissions and freaking out and hiding in a corner afterwards.
August - fav.me/d6j3yga
BronyCon happened after all! I was so disorganized and such ‘though, next year I should be better hopefully at coordination and such.
Also, a proper start to my OC Shooting Star’s Ask Tumblr!
October - fav.me/d6t2v3y
While this was uploaded in November, the drawing was completed back in October (just couldn’t release it since these drawings are for BronyCon)
Also the month where I started to fool around in FL Studio (digital-method : music composition)
November - fav.me/d6t8jg3
Starting back into BronyCon for the next one! Teams gotta work early in preparation!