The name follows her family’s naming scheme of flowers (which is a common naming scheme). The meaning of her name is usually ambiguous however and can be interpreted in multiple ways.
Violet’s family currently lives in Los Pegasus. Despite being a place abundant of Pegasi, the location is still on the ground for non-Pegasi to live and visit.
Within Ponyville, but her business takes place in a different building from her home in an alleyway a few minutes distance. Her home is the standard Ponyville-style house and as such has two floors and the general rooms.
In Ponyville - Service Provider / Therapist
Her business takes place in a multi-floored house, above-ground, on-ground, and basement, each generally used for different treatments. Her job is to assist ponies in fixing their troubles and relieving their stress with methods ranging from simply discussion, herbal treatments to, on rare occasions, satisfying sexual needs. She does not advance any relationships past friendship for her business and will make sure to check on various factors (such as the customer’s age) before determining what treatments they are allowed to receive.
Otherwise - Shooting Star’s Mentor
Outside of business, Violet offered to Shooting, after a certain incident, her assistance in adapting to and understanding Ponyville and it’s various systems. This is especially because Shooting stayed at her place until Shooting got her own home. She also checks up on Shooting from time to time to make sure she doesn’t do anything strange or diabolical. In some ways, Violet acts as a close friend, but as well sometimes a second mother depending on the situation. This task lasts until Shooting Star starts to develop and act on her own around her adult age from which she does not need to be her mentor anymore.
General Personality Traits
Violet is easily bipolar, interpreting situations with a happy or angry expression and rarely in the middle. For her customers especially however, she will always act nice to them, or at least how her customers want her to act that is.
She also tends to speak what’s on her mind with little restraint or regret, and may discuss topics deemed awkward by those she’s conversing with. Despite this, she doesn’t persist when asked to stop and will easily move on to the next topic if any. These topics sometimes have the potential to reveal secrets and feelings of others however.
By force of habit, she may have perverted thoughts, although she does not say it, she sometimes noticeably reacts (at minimum, blushing) even if the train of thought was convoluted. Generally, she misinterprets many situations and conversations.
If found angry, Violet does not hesitate to use her magic however she feels like. Her abilities are limited to item handling and body manipulation, but that doesn’t stop her from being creative with her method of attacking what she’s angry at.
Many ponies question Violet’s choice to provide sexual services, although especially for the fact that she continues to wear a collar outside of business, but she just shrugs them off and is generally unaffected by opinions of her.
She starts to build a bit of jealousy of Shooting Star when everypony starts becoming more interested in Shooting than herself later, but eventually gets over it.
Violet Petal has a father back in Los Pegasus who is generally too busy to visit or be visited. His job is of general business, and as such is not of particular interest. Her mother however has left and there is no information left of her.
She tends to make friends with those who visits her business as a good way to aid in relaxing the customer is to get to know them, so as such she eventually befriends a good portion of ponies living around Ponyville ’though not everypony like Pinkie Pie has.
She doesn’t normally get into any close relationships however, and instead is satisfied by being able to know others instead of needing any deep relationships of sort. As well she does not want to look for a couple as it would hinder her ability to do her job.
In recent years, new ponies came and visited Ponyville as well many of newly discovered lands, despite this, her business progresses as usual at a normal rate and Violet doesn’t decide to take advantage of any of this. In contrast to Shooting Star who started to grow more known among the new ponies.
Outfits & Accessories
The collar and saddle is Violet’s signature accessory and is worn due to it’s comfort and how it reminds her of the ponies she has met with at her business. Despite the stares she may receive, she considers her outfit normal.
As a Unicorn, Violet Petal knows magic that pertains to her cutie mark. This includes the ability to cure stress and various other mind-related problems. In combination with this, Violet studied up various medical and science topics in order to understand her ability and how to use it properly. In reverse, she has the ability to cause a pony to become more stressful and catalyze various emotions in a pony. This power is limited as it requires a lot of energy and concentration to manipulate, a failed attempt would cause no affect on the recipient.
In general like many unicorns, she has the ability to lift multiple small objects as well.
Raised with modern technology, she tends to try out various devices from time to time such as a video recorder. For her job sessions however, she stays with traditional treatments unlike the hospital’s modern treatments. In the case her treatments cannot assist, she’ll help the customer to a better pony for the job.