Well, she was bound to appear sooner or later. This is Golden Notes, Stage’s wife. She is in fact an alicorn, but not because she was born to royalty. It was actually a magical accident involving the alicorn amulet and some fruit tarts and her evil relatives conspiring against her good relatives that resulted in her being born an alicorn. Lol. But anyway, she met Stage in college as science partners which eventually led to her learning about his carnivorous nature. At first, she reacted the way any normal pony would, which was run for her life and hide in a closet. But after spying on him for a bit she realized he was actually a nice guy and began warming up to him. When her original colt friend left her out of jealousy that she was friends with Stage, she and Stage hooked up. They married after college and now live comfortably with their two daughters and son. _ her special talent is singing, and she often takes roles in the theatre productions Stage manages where he works.