While out on a picnic with her friends, Twilight enjoys a good book. Unbeknownst to Twilight however, the tiny stallion Checkerboard is lurking about and poking his head up from behind the picnic basket with a not-so-clever idea…
twilight sparkle mlp (oh my god) plz BUURRRP!
Pony Rarity Surprised Emoticon. “My word!”
Rainbow Dash (You’re pretty awesome!) “Woah! Nice one, Twilight. Bet I can beat it.”
Pony Rarity Surprised Emoticon. “What was that you just burped out? Twilight..? Isn’t that Checkerboard’s top hat?”
Twilight “His… hat?”
Rainbow Dash “Wait… You don’t suppose..?”
Rarity “Is it possible he has been..?”
:icontwilightsparkleworryplz: “Oh dear… We’d better hurry back to the castle.”
Checkerboard OC belongs to :iconlilcheckerpone:
A late Birthday Gift requested by :iconlilcheckerpone:
When you are going to surprise someone, never hide in anything that’s edible ^^;
Fortunately, it probably happens a lot for little Checkerboard. So he’ll be alright :D