Gulls squawked as they bobbed and floated in the bright cobalt blue sky. Joining the chorus of gulls was steady rumble of numerous conversations and clopping of thousands of hooves as ponies made their way to boarding ramps of the waiting ocean liner. A steady plumes of smoke slowly roiled from the ship’s 2 great red, streamline funnels. The ship’s great black and white hull towers over the docks and ponies on it.
Amongst the crowd of ponies Rarity and Spike moved briskly toward a boarding ramp. “Come along Spike!” The mare called out. Her violet blue mane bounced and swayed as her skirt flowed and rippled as she moved. “We want to be able to drop these bags off at our room before the ship disembarked. It’s considered bad luck to not wave the well-wishers goodbye!”
The dragon had to almost jog to keep up with the unicorn while carrying the extra bags. The bulk of their luggage had already loaded onto a luggage cart and taken away by a porter. Smiling but huffing to stay up the dragon spoke up.
“Yeah I’ll want to unpack a few things in my cabin before we cast off.”
Rarity looked back over her shoulder as she kept walking. The dragon caught a little mischievous twinkle in the mare’s sapphire blue eyes. “Spike darling. I only booked one cabin for us. So you’ll be staying with me during the voyage. I hope that won’t be a problem for you dear?” She smiled at the dragon and then looked back in the direction she was walking.
Spike’s steps slowed for a second as his brain parsed this new piece of information. He swallowed and hurried off after the mare.
“No! No problem at all!”
One of the drawings I started during my recent Picarto stream. The theme that evening was travel, and this is the story that popped into my head as I was working on the piece. I can see Rarity being one of those 1930s Hollywood starlet.