finally, the story of Edward and Elizabeth is done!
I hope you enjoyed the story; I plan for the others to find love too but that won’t happen yet until the future (for Adam though I would need your help on that but that’s for another time) so ya, Edward and Elizabeth are now together.
though Elizabeth for now will stay in her own room but is right next to edward and Henry’s so they are still close.
well now I’m going for a break I need to improve my art, workflow and how I’m going to make the comic look interesting around the borders too (Depending on what’s going on) what I want to do is do some worldbuilding you know show examples of what the other wolf pony leaders look like, how the mummies and swamp ponies look currently, culture and general behavior and character sheets for reference.
there are a WHOLE LOT of things I need to work on but I hope I’ll do well.
so again, I hoped you enjoyed the story and Elizabeth’s character.