Original Description:
Poppy hummed to herself as she made a series of quick, precise cuts with the pruning knife as she collected more samples. This was second plant that she had no reference to in any of her botanical guides. In spite of the heat, humidity, and bugs the earth pony was so happy.She was part of a small scientific expedition to a remote archipelago that was technically part of the zebra kingdom of Wakbolo. Technically. The expedition had the official blessing of the Wakbolo court, however it also came with a warning.Several of the lords that were suppose to be loyal and sworn to the court. However in the last few years these lords had begun act in defiance of the court. As a result the Wakbolo court considered the area in a state of rebellion. The court was sort of in control of the larger towns and ports, but once one was beyond sight of them one was on their own.Into this chaos various smugglers, pirates, and ne’er-do-wells had moved in and were now exploiting the situation and the people living there. The court apologized and said they wished it was possible to for them to send a security detail with the expedition, but all naval and land forces were currently committed to attempting to quell the scenario. So the expedition would be on their own.With this warning the expedition had brought with them some additional security both magical and physical. This included magically casting various illusions to hide their schooner anchored in the small cove and their campsite. Still the island they were currently based at was known to be visited by pirates. So the plan was to come in at night. Spend a couple days doing initial scouting and collecting, and then sailing away with the evening tide.Therefore everypony was on edge as they explored the island. So in spite of her excitement Poppy’s ears perked up as she heard sound of approaching voices and hoofsteps. Ducking down behind some foliage the mare’s eyes began sweeping the area searching for the source of the sound. A shifting fern frond caught her attention. Roughly approaching her location were 4 zebras that were not part of the expedition, and they looked like somepony had called central casting and asked for some roguish villains.They didn’t seem to know that Poppy was there, but as a precaution the mare slowly drew her revolver and carefully cocked it and took aim. In her mind she kept thinking.I just want these samples. Just go away and everypony will be alright. I don’t want to kill you. I just want my samples.
This was a commission for shaniko2. Poppy is their OC. This story is what popped into my head as worked on it.Also some of you might be staring at her revolver and wondering what she’s holding. It’s a Colt 1851 Navy percussion revolver that’s been converted to fire metallic, rimfire cartridges. With the increased use of metallic cartridges in the second half of the 19th century many previous cap and ball firearms were converted to chamber and fire the new technology. Examples being the Thuer and the Richard Mason conversions.I hope you like what you see. Please help make more art like this possible by supporting me at Patreon.