Duskdweller said:
If I’m reading the map right, we should be able to make it there and to the boat race before it starts, but we’ll probably have to canter.
With a few minutes to spare before the boat race, you decide to make a quick detour by your house to lighten your party’s bags.
On the way there, you sample each of your friends’ confections, starting with Apple Basket’s apple caramel. The candy is quite soft and easy to chew, and its rich blend of caramel and apple flavours is delightfully familiar. Overall, it delivers exactly what you expected, and does not disappoint at that.
Moonflower’s rainbow swirl candy, on the other hoof, rivals your lollipop in hardness. Yet, as it slowly melts on your tongue, all kinds of different flavours begin to wrestle for domination. One moment is cherry, then it transitions to coconut, passing by a mix of lemon and peppermint… and though it continues to change unpredictably, it never feels unpleasant — only chaotic.
You use Apple Caramel, and Rainbow Swirl Candy.
Soon enough, you arrive at your house. As you enter, Moonflower runs upstairs to fill the nightstand’s bottom drawer with more of her things, while Apple Basket decides to occupy some space on the dining table nearby. The bat pony returns shortly with a noticeably lighter satchel.
Moonflower: “Gotta have room in case I win some prizes later!”
Apple Basket: “Heh. I sure hope they sell bags at the souvenir shop. This pouch already ain’t cuttin’ it anymore.”
Moonflower: “Yuh uh! I think I saw ’em earlier. By the way, Basket, how long are ya gonna stay with us?”
Apple Basket: “Uh, well, I reckon I should get goin’ sooner than later. I’d feel bad enjoyin’ my time here longer than I got to while my cousin’s back home buckin’ twice her share of apples to make up for it. Tomorrow sounds fair, right?”
Moonflower: “Awww! We’re gonna miss ya!”
You agree with Moonflower, and join her in a group hug. Then, you remind the two younger ponies that there’s still plenty of fun to be had together before day’s end.
Apple Basket: “You bet’cha!”
Moonflower: “Ooh! Speakin’ of fun, I flew by a super nice spot yesterday, if you guys wanna do some extra stargazin’ after the festival.”
The bat pony grins and waggles her eyebrows suggestively. You then join her side, and both waggle your eyebrows suggestively at Apple Basket.
Apple Basket: “Oh! Sounds real nice, count me in — but uh, you sure you two ain’t related in some way…?”