Original Description:
base by iesbeans
Big Mac and Fluttershy marry and have 3 kids: Peach Jam, Magnolia (mane 6), Bright Mac
Applejack and Troubleshoes marry and have 3 kids: Clover, Ginger Gold (mane 6), Lucky Daze
Applebloom and Tender Taps marry and have 2 kids: Goldie Delicious and Buttercup
Fluttershy has her brother, Zephyr Breeze who has a one night stand with Rainbow Dash. Rainbow gets pregnant and has High Tide. High Tide is raised by Zephyr Breeze until he’s three and adopted by Treehugger.
Rainbow Dash and Soarin marry soon after and have 3 kids: Cirrus, Toxic Rain, Cloudburst (mane 6)
Rainbow’s adoptive sister, Scootaloo marries Rumble and they have 1 kid: Echo–
gen 1 owned by hasbro and lauren faust
gen 2 owned by me